Thursday, May 21, 2015

What Is This Thing Called Blog

For now I see my blog as a chance to polish and write out what I’ve been recording over the past two years. I plan to include things that were already written out too, but I like the idea of transcribing my recordings because it’s me speaking on the fly and winging it, and that captures a relative ease or speed in how I delve into my topics at hand.

The idea to run a blog has been revisited and my doubts about it always get in the way. What do I write about on a given day? What is worth sharing? I write to myself a lot and they’re immune to outside judgments. I share my writings with a close circle and I still like doing that, but if I want my writing to get anywhere and reach more people, I can’t just wait for the next opportunity or the next ‘open mic’ night that I can finally attend because I found someone to watch the kids. I shouldn’t just wait for the green light from writing contest judges. I can make my own space here, my own time and space, even though I’ll be opening myself up to more criticism. And trolls. But there’s also the possibility of reaching out, helping or inspiring someone and for that happening back to me in return.

I took a writing workshop in February and made a friend there. She insists my work needs to be read outside of facebook so okay, I’ll trust her on this. Here goes!

Tennille Astor May, 2015

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